CORONATION Day: November 2nd 1930 (Haile Selassie I)

CORONATION Day: November 2nd 1930 (Haile Selassie I)

Emperor Haile Selassie I: Life and Legacy

Greetings, in the name of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I. 

We’re grateful for this blessed opportunity to use our voice to hail, honor and reflect on the life and legacy of Emperor Haile Selassie I. A towering figure not only in Ethiopian history but also African history in the hearts and minds of Rastafari around the world. Known as the Lion of Judah, His Imperial Majesty represents strength, wisdom, and the enduring spirit of resistance and unity.

Born Lij Tafari Makonnen on July 23, 1892, in Ejersa Goro, Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I was destined for greatness. From his early days, it was clear that he was a leader with a divine purpose. As the son of Ras Makonnen Wolde Mikael, a trusted governor and close ally of Emperor Menelik II, Tafari was born into Ethiopian nobility, with royal blood running through his veins. His mother, Yeshimebet Ali Abba Jifar, also hailed from a noble lineage, further solidifying his rightful place among Ethiopia’s ruling class.

Under the careful guidance of his father, Ras Tafari received a rich education that spanned languages, cultures, and the workings of the world. This deep understanding, combined with his natural leadership abilities, paved the way for his future role as a key figure in Ethiopian politics and, eventually, as the Emperor of Ethiopia.

In 1916, after the overthrow of Emperor Iyasu V, Ras Tafari was appointed Regent Plenipotentiary by Empress Zewditu, daughter of Menelik II. During this time, he worked tirelessly to modernize Ethiopia, bringing his beloved country into closer contact with the international community while preserving its rich cultural heritage. His vision was not just for Ethiopia, but for all of Africa—a vision of unity, strength, and independence.

When Ras Tafari ascended to the throne in 1930 as Emperor Haile Selassie I, his coronation marked a new era for Ethiopia and for the African diaspora. His reign became a beacon of hope, a symbol of resistance against colonial oppression, and a testament to the power of faith and determination.

Here at Rastafari JAMS Reggae Radio, we honor Emperor Haile Selassie I not only as a historical figure but as a spiritual guide. His teachings, his life, and his unwavering commitment to the principles of peace, justice, and unity continue to inspire us all. As we play the sweet sounds of reggae, infused with the messages of Rastafari, we remember His Imperial Majesty’s words and deeds, which remind us to stay true to our roots, our faith, and our mission to uplift one another.

Selassie I’s impact goes beyond borders and generations—he is a symbol of African pride, a defender of the faith, and a leader whose legacy lives on in the hearts of millions. Jah Rastafari! Blessed love to all, as we keep the spirit of Haile Selassie I alive through the power of music and the strength of unity.


On November 2, 1930, a day etched in the hearts of Rastafari and many others around the world, Ras Tafari Makonnen ascended to the throne as Emperor Haile Selassie I in Addis Ababa. This was not just a political event; it was a divine moment, a fulfillment of prophecy that resonated far beyond the borders of Ethiopia.

The coronation of Haile Selassie I was a grand affair, attended by representatives from 72 nations, signaling Ethiopia’s growing influence on the global stage. But for us, the true significance lay in the spiritual power of the event. The ceremony was steeped in the sacred traditions of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, a powerful reminder of the deep connection between the divine and the monarchy. It was here that Ras Tafari took the name “Haile Selassie,” meaning “Power of the Trinity,” a name that symbolizes his role not just as a ruler, but as a spiritual guide and protector of the faith.

As the anointed Emperor, Haile Selassie I was invested with the imperial regalia—crown, orb, scepter, and sword—each a symbol of his divine right and sacred duty to lead Ethiopia under

the watchful eye of the Almighty. This was not merely a ritual; it was a declaration of his divine mandate to rule and guide his people with wisdom and strength.

Empress Menen Asfaw, the beloved consort of Haile Selassie, was crowned alongside him, receiving the title “Queen of Queens.” Her presence at the coronation was a powerful symbol of balance, unity, and strength. Together, they embodied the “Full Balance” of life, a concept deeply revered in Rastafari philosophy. Empress Menen’s coronation was more than just ceremonial—it was a recognition of her vital role in the leadership of Ethiopia and a testament to the sacred partnership between man and woman in the divine order.

For the Rastafari community, the coronation of Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen was not just a moment in Ethiopian history; it was a pivotal event in the spiritual journey of African descendants worldwide. It affirmed Haile Selassie I’s status as the rightful ruler and messianic figure, fulfilling the prophecies of old and igniting a movement that would spread across the globe, carrying with it the messages of peace, unity, and the divine right of African people to self-determination.

At Rastafari JAMS Reggae Radio, we honor this sacred moment in history and celebrate the enduring legacy of Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen. Their coronation remains a beacon of hope, a reminder of the divine connection that guides us, and a call to stand firm in our beliefs and values.

Empress Menen Asfaw: The Lioness Beside the Lion of Judah


At Rastafari JAMS Reggae Radio, we celebrate the life and legacy of Empress Menen Asfaw, the devoted wife of Emperor Haile Selassie I and a powerful figure in her own right. Born on April 3, 1891, Empress Menen hailed from a noble lineage, with her father, Asfaw Michael of Ambassel, being a respected regional ruler in Ethiopia. Her roots in Ethiopian nobility set the stage for a life of influence and service.

In 1911, Empress Menen married Ras Tafari Makonnen, who would later ascend the throne as Emperor Haile Selassie I. Their union was far more than a traditional royal marriage; it was a partnership of deep mutual respect and shared vision. Empress Menen played a vital role alongside her husband, supporting his mission to modernize Ethiopia and advocate for African unity. Together, they were a symbol of unity and strength, embodying the spirit of leadership that would inspire generations to come.

Empress Menen was not content to simply stand by the Emperor’s side; she was deeply involved in charitable and social causes that aimed to uplift the Ethiopian people. She was a fierce advocate for the welfare and education of women and children, understanding that the future of Ethiopia depended on the empowerment of its people. Her efforts in promoting education and healthcare earned her immense respect and admiration, not just in Ethiopia, but across the African continent.

During Haile Selassie’s reign, Ethiopia underwent significant transformation. The Emperor’s introduction of Ethiopia’s first written constitution in 1931 laid the groundwork for a more unified and progressive nation. Empress Menen’s unwavering support and contributions to social reform were instrumental in these changes, highlighting her role as a pillar of strength in the Ethiopian monarchy.

Haile Selassie’s influence extended far beyond the borders of Ethiopia. He was a staunch advocate for African independence and unity, playing a pivotal role in the formation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1963, the predecessor to today’s African Union. His vision and leadership earned him the title “Father of African Unity,” a legacy that continues to inspire the Pan-African movement.

However, their reign was not without challenges. The Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 tested the resilience of both the Emperor and Empress. Even in exile, Haile Selassie continued to lead the resistance against Italian occupation, and with the support of Allied forces during World War II, he was restored to the throne in 1941. Throughout this tumultuous period, Empress Menen remained a steadfast partner, embodying the courage and dignity that have become hallmarks of their legacy.

For the Rastafari movement, which emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s, Haile Selassie is revered as a divine figure, the returned Messiah who fulfilled biblical prophecies. Empress Menen, as the Queen by his side, is equally honored. Rastafarians see their union as a divine manifestation of the balance between masculine and feminine energies, and they celebrate Empress Menen as a mother figure and a symbol of African womanhood.

The legacy of Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Asfaw is a testament to their enduring influence on Ethiopia, Africa, and the world. Their leadership, grounded in faith and service, continues to inspire people across the globe. Together, they are more than just historical figures; they are symbols of resilience, cultural richness, and spiritual strength.

At Rastafari JAMS Reggae Radio, we honor the legacy of Empress Menen Asfaw, the lioness beside the Lion of Judah. Her life reminds us of the power of unity, the importance of service, and the eternal bond between love and leadership. Through her example, we find inspiration to uplift our communities and stay true to our roots.